I don't know how many of you may have been following the story of little Nora Rose Yusko, a sweet little two year old with Trisomy 18, who recently passed away. If you haven't yet acquainted yourself with her and her amazing story (especially the miracle of her birth), you can start here. Her family viewed Nora's whole existence through the eyes of faith...and it was beautiful to behold.
Nora was a true example of God working through those the world deems little and weak, in order to show His power and love. In her short time on earth, Nora touched the lives of people around the world!
Eternal rest grant unto sweet little Nora Rose, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through your mercy, O God, rest in peace. Amen.
Michele, I"d like to interview you in the next few days for an article on special needs catechesis. This is for Creative Catechist magazine. email me if you are interested. thesockeys"at" gmail "dot" com Thanks very much